From the summit of Skiddaw Little Man you drop down a little and then have a short climb to re-join the main path to Skiddaw proper. It's nice to be able to see where you are going and knowing that the hardest yards were already behind you.

Once you are back on the main path there is a relatively short, but tiring climb to the main ridge. A cairn marks the way

A quick turn to the right brings the final bit of the walk into sharp focus

The final bit is a nice stroll. You've done the hard yards, the legs are aching and the heart is racing but the end is in sight, the trig point giving a nice feel to being at the top of one of the big 4.

Wish I'd smiled

To be honest I was a bit underwhelmed by the top of Skiddaw. The views were magnificent but something seemed missing to me. I guess it was a smaller top than I expected and maybe because it was so busy I didn't linger for too long?? No matter, I had conquered Skiddaw and now just had to walk back down it.