Completing Thunacar Knott, and bagging my third Wainwright of the day, felt fantastic. I looked across the vista and decided to continue following the route I had planned by making my way to Pike O'Stickle. You really can't miss it from the top of the Langdales as it sticks out quite spectacularly. It almost resembles a humped back whale!

Again the walk across to it was straight forward with no dramas and takes 15 minutes or so from Thunacar Knott. Once you reach it however there is a dramatic ascent. The route up is fairly obvious (well it was once I saw how others were going up it!) and so I made my ascent.

You can see now how much brighter it was. A misty day had given way to beautiful sunshine. With a leap and a bound (well a gentle trundle) I made it to the top of Pike O'Stickle.

I know I look a bit miserable on this photo (I took five and this is the best!) but believe me I was chuffed to have made it. The views from the top are spectacular.
With a inward cry of "onward", I set off again, light of heart but heavy of leg!