Having made my return from Blea Rigg to Stickle Tarn I began to think I might just go back down and have a pint. Slightly tired legs plus mist at the top of the supposed next challenge seemed to be winning the day. But I had my lunch and thought "daft to make all the effort to get up here and only go to one fell top".
And so I set off towards Pavey Ark, which is found by following the Tarn to the left. There were already a few people making their way up and I tagged along to go up the North Rake. It is very much a three points of contact part of the walk for me!
I didn't take a picture of the ghyll you have to climb up as I was concentrating too hard but the picture below is around a third of the way up where there is a little flat bit enabling you to look down on Stickle Tarn again.

I continued climbing (took me about 30 minutes in total I think) and then, finally you reach the plateau at the top and you have a great panoramic view of the area. A final climb and you're at the top!

Don't know who photo-bombed my picture!

Stickle Tarn from the summit of Pavey Ark followed by me at the top.
