Well dear reader, if you are reading this from my first fell to now you will deduce from the date that we did indeed go for a second fell on this day!
After the easy walk to Black Fell and filled with lunch and drinks we set off to Holme Fell. Now, it takes a bit of time to walk from the path near Black Fell around to the start of the Holme Fell ascent. Its a downhill walk around a field and across the main A593 but you have to keep in mind that going downhill is great but we'd have to go back up at some point!

Once you cross the main road there is a road / path that you follow for about a mile or so. It's steadily uphill with the odd bit that's steeper. Having been up Black Fell though you do begin to feel it!

You skirt around the old quarry on this path and there is a spectacular pool to witness, carved out of the rock.
The instructions took us off the path and onto the fell and upwards towards the old reservoir (not the biggest body of water you'll ever see) where there was loads of frogspawn in evidence. It was a little boggy going round the water but we were soon on the slope up to the top.
Boggy ground again slowed progress a little and then there is a short scramble through some heathr to the top of the fell. After the scramble you see a cairn and a rocky outcrop just past it - that is what you're aiming for.
And with that, I realised I was into double figures for Wainwrights completed! Only 204 left to go now!

Handy little seat at the summit!

Theo fits into the seat better than I do!
Normally I would leave the blog with my lovely face but we as we descended it was quite difficult going down Uskdale gap and, as we approached the main road again it was really boggy. I mean to the top of your boot boggy! Lots of care was needed to avoid a soggy sock or two.
Worst bit of the round walk was still to come though. to get to the car you have another 80m of uphill to go to get back to Tarn Hows....Ooooo that was tough!