Having reached High Tove we looked towards High Seat and decided to head off for that fell next.

As you can see there is an obvious path. It was pretty much frozen on our way across but the winter sun, whilst not hot was beginning to make the going soft in places.

Sorry about the photo but the phone kept misting up! Anyway, follow the fence as best you can and you're on your way.

You can see here that Theo has out-paced me! Just over the crest of this bit you come to a stile to cross the fence line.

And you can see the top now which always gives the tiring legs a bit of energy. Within five minutes we had made it to our second fell of the day.

And me too!

Again we had a great vantage point from up here especially to see Derwent Water and Bassenthwaite.

Time to turn back and retrace our steps to knock off Armboth Fell.