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Grey Knotts 30th May 2020

So after lock down was eased and we were allowed back to the Lake District, as long as we followed social distancing, we set off on a beautiful sunny morning. I had felt a little trepidation about going to the Lakes so we decided to head to the Honister Slate Mine to park where we knew there would not be many people around.

The path we were to follow is visible and although a little steep to begin with soon levels out.

Looking back to the car park around 15 minutes into the walk. After this bit you soon see the fells open up and you follow a straight path which eventually comes to an old ruin where you branch off to the left to follow another obvious path.

After 15 minutes or so the lath begins to rise more steeply (only a bit) and the map will tell you Grey Knotts is on the left. There is no path from here upwards so it is a case of turn left and climb. This is probably the steepest bit of the walk so far.

No matter - you are soon at the top. But where is it? No cairn apart from on one bit near the fence which is clearly lower. We went for the top from the satnav positioning and took photos there.

As you can see there is not a cloud in the sky. There was a bit of wind about though which kept a slight chill to the air when you were exposed to it. Next up, Brandreth.

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