The original plan was to head up Place Fell but the cloud cover looked like it might drop so I decided on the lower peak of Hartsop Above How. I parked at Cow Bridge near Brothers Water and headed through the gate and into the forest following the path upwards towards the ridge.

This path only lasts for 15 minutes or so before you hit the open fell. Path still easy to follow though.

Following this path you go over a couple of knolls before you reach the ridge line.

A wall comes into play then and you follow that for a distance before climbing to the other side of the wall via a stile. The there is a bit of a scramble to keep you interested!

After this little bit of excitement you are properly on the ridge following a distinct path through quite wet ground. It's not boggy but you do need to skirt some unpleasantness!
Then it's a final push up.

Just after the photo above there are a series of rises and falls but the summit does come into view eventually. There is supposed to be a small cairn but I couldn't find it. I visited every little top there was on the ridge but there was nowt. So I picked the one that had 5 stones randomly together and pronounced that the top!

113 done and only 101 to go. I did think that at the turn of the year I wasn't halfway through the Wainwrights but nearly down to less than 100 now seemed like an achievement. Onwards and upwards!