As I mentioned at the end of the Fairfield blog the route down is quite straightforward being on an obvious path.
The two humps you can see are Great Rigg followed by Heron Pike. There's not a huge amount to say about this walk (i'm no Wainwright!) other than the path is gently sloping downwards before a slight incline to the summit.
The good thing about the path is it is quite distinct but is it a scar on the fell? I guess getting everyone to travel the same path at least means there is no widening of the path to ruin to mountain. Don't know - you decide.
The walk from Fairfield to the top of Great Rigg probably took 20 mins with a few stops to say we couldn't believe we'd got so far. It really is an amazing feeling to be on the other side of the horseshoe looking across to the mornings' work.
Again thanks to a couple who were kind enough to take a pic of Theo and I at the summit. Check out the cap!